Continuing Professional Development for ISPa MEmbers

HONE YOUR SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE whilst complying with your CPD requirements

Learning and Development for Practitioners
is so much more than solely studying your craft.

As practitioners, we are so much more than our craft – we are humans, live within many roles in our lives, we are people in our own right as well. We are business owners. And we are Therapists.

Continuing education for mental health practitioners in particular needs to therefore be much more than the technical skills demanded by our craft. It is for this reason ISPA recognizes and wishes to nurture the WHOLE practitioner.

ISPA Continuing Education  programmes consist of 4 different series of workshops and events. Practitioners are encouraged to widen their development activities across the series listed below.

Continuing Professional Development points are assigned to each programme and are collated within each of the series shown below

1. Strategic Psychotherapy Series
These programmes focus on enhancing and developing the practice of Strategic Psychotherapy, irrespective of the modality used to implement it
2. Clinical / Therapy Series
These programmes focus on finding the best practice knowledge available across the various modalities ISPA members hold. We look for Best practise in Hypnotherapy, Strategic Psychotherapy, NLP practice, Coaching practise and Gordian Therapy
3. Clinic or Practice Series
These programmes focus on the skills, knowledge and experience required to set up and then successfully manage a clinical practice. The business skills covered include those needed to start up, all the way through to selling the practice when practitioners wish to retire.
4. Self Care Series
These programmes focus on offering self care experiences, as well as teaching self care techniques so that practitioners reduce the possibility of burnout, exhaustion and client fatigue..