ISPA Member Hub


Member Hub

How Do I Access My Member Hub?

   Step 1 – Log In

  • Check your SPAM inbox for your Member Hub login details – there should be 2 emails there. Did you find the email?
  • YES – ok click on the link in the email  – enter username and password – You are now on the Member Hub Dashboard.
  • NO – not a problem. Click on the link below
  • Use the SAME email address you used when joining ISPA as a Founding Member.
  • If you have forgotten or do not know your password,  please click on “Forgotten Password” on the Member hub login page and follow the prompts.

   Have you tried this, and you are not progressing?

   send us a message at


Step 2  Dashboard

    • What do you see on the dashboard? – a welcome note + roving notices
    • What are the notices for? – they tell you which membership levels exist in ISPA and give you the link to use to confirm your membership level.
    • I do not know what membership level I should be using.   All OK
      either go to the tab on this site called  Join ISPA, then the tab called   “Membership Criteria”. This page will give you all of the criteria which qualify you for your membership level.   OR
    • Check my details – Go to the menu shown in the HUB Dashboard  – just under the image of the lady. See “My Account”  Click  and you go to your own membership details
    • But my details are wrong …. Your record may show you are a Founding Member, but this is not a real membership from an insurance perspective. You NEED TO CONFIRM what your membership level should be.
    • Return to the Dashboard and click on the membership level you want to confirm with us.


Step 3 Confirming my Member Level

    • I am a student – why bother? – Students are members in their own right and get benefits just the same as other member levels. ISPA does not know how close you are to qualifying, nor what you are studying. ISPA does not know how to support your progression in your new profession. Tell us and we can help you.
    • Membership Level is based on your qualifications and your experience in your chosen field.  Confirming your membership level(s) gives ISPA the right information to get you the right digital badges, and certificates, access to specialist training events,  and much more.
    • I am not paying again – of course not …. on the member hub dashboard there is a special code for you to use when you confirm your membership level which means you do not pay again. This code is only for founding members and is available for use until mid-May 2023. Go to the Dashboard and copy the code which is shown in red in the welcome note.
    • Founding Membership is for life – why register again? – Founding members are a  group of very special members for ISPA. It is a title you have for life, but it is not a life membership. For insurance purposes you will need to attain a membership based on qualifications and experience. ISPA can help you in your professional development.
    • So click on the link and tell us 🙂


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