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Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Calendar

Check in regularly to see what is coming up on the schedule

Breakfast & Brains

“Breakfast & Brains” – a Free members only networking morning on 3rd Friday every month.

Come and Join us, Have your questions answered, your Successes celebrated and your Network of fellow Therapists increased.

Breakfast & Brains is our Monthly “ask anything about clinic development, clinical queries or anything else”  networking session. These networking mornings are the perfect place to connect and learn from other practitioners.

These 60 minute morning events are designed to provide you with a platform to discuss hot button issues, share ideas and support the great people of our industry to grow.

We have discussed a wide range of  member queries ranging from  how to find a quality website designer, how to describe our  services so our copywriter and Business Coach really understand what we do, how best to deal with Anxiety amongst our clients – and ourselves.

This is a collaborative, member driven event where we get to:

  • – ask your business growth questions
  • – share your business growth  successes
  • – discover different views about what is critical when setting up your practice, and make your own informed decision
  • – distinguish between which business tools work for us in  a clinic practice,  and which ones will cost us money and more importantly time

Date:  ALWAYS 3rd Friday of the Month

Time: 10.00 to 11.00am AEST
Networking time is 9.30am to 10.00am
Online venue
Member only event – no charge

Reserve your Booking Now
banner for event solopreneur startup series

Tuesday 6 August 2024 7.00pm – 9.00pm AEST 

SESSION 1 – Hosted by Philotimo Global -Start Up Expert (Philotimo – https://www.philotimoglobal.com/ – Speaker Group CEO Tim Krotiris)

As performance and growth specialists, Philotimo works with SME business owners to address the challenges that face running a business. 

With the combined experience of experts across industry, they help startups develop the strategy to launch a new business and hold their clients hand throughout the implementation. 

This session will provide an entire overview of setting up a business in a methodical step by step presentation, tailored to the needs of a Strategic Psychotherapist. 

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Tuesday 3 September 2024 7:00pm – 9.00pm AEST

SESSION 2 – Business Plan (Philotimo – Nigel Walton)

Committed to the process, Philotimo have generously offered to run a tailored strategy session for participants to create the individualised roadmaps to ensure each important element of the set up journey is considered and prepared for.

This session will be an interactive workshop taking participants through the steps of creating their business plan.

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Tuesday 1 October 2024 7pm-9pm AEST

SESSION 3 – Accounting/Funding (Business Accountant, Tramontana Accountants owner Sceona Tramontana – they specialize in SME’s)

It is identifying the cost of the business plan components, tax, super and other associated structures for being a solopreneur.

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Tuesday 5 November 2024 7pm – 9pm AEDT

SESSION 4 – Branding

The importance of creating your brand – a vital step that must come before the website development

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Tuesday 3 December 2024 7pm – 9pm AEDT

SESSION 5 – Website Construction

About Today (https://abouttoday.com.au/) Speaker Shaun Ryan or Cultiv8te (https://cultivatedigital.com.au/ ) Speak  Paul Wagstaff (they specialise in low cost websites)  Step by step session from a couple of creative agencies (budge specific) on what you need to create the best professional presence for your brand online

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Tuesday 17 December 2024 7pm – 9pm AEDT

SESSION 6 – Creating a Go To Market Strategy

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Unlimited resources

Join us for an enriching presentation tailored for therapists and coaches eager to deepen their practice and empower their clients with a wealth of mental, emotional, and behavioural resources.

In this transformative session, we will delve into innovative methodologies designed to unearth and harness these invaluable resources effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey in the field, you’ll discover practical techniques to not only identify but also access these essential elements for your clients’ well-being.

Central to our discussion is the introduction of the groundbreaking “V.I.B.E.S.” process. This powerful framework offers a systematic approach to swiftly pinpointing client strengths, even in the most challenging cases. Through V.I.B.E.S., you’ll learn how to navigate through complex emotional landscapes, enabling you to uncover hidden reservoirs of resilience and capability within your clients.

By incorporating the V.I.B.E.S. process into your practice, you’ll be equipped to transition your sessions from mere problem-solving exercises to dynamic, resource-focused journeys of healing and growth. Say goodbye to the limitations of a solely problem-centric approach, and embrace a holistic perspective that nurtures and amplifies your clients’ inherent strengths.

Join us as we embark on this enlightening exploration together, and unlock the full potential of your therapeutic and coaching endeavours. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionise your practice and profoundly impact the lives of those you serve.


Meet Dr. Paul J. Leslie, an esteemed psychotherapist, researcher, and international trainer hailing from Aiken, South Carolina. With a profound focus on resource-directed approaches, Dr. Leslie specializes in empowering individuals and families through strengths-based therapeutic methods.

As the coordinator of the psychology program at Aiken Technical College and a Board Certified Fellow in Hypnotherapy, Dr. Leslie brings a wealth of expertise to his workshops. His extensive background in Counseling Psychology, coupled with his role as a coach/trainer with the Institute for Trauma-Informed Hypnotherapy, uniquely positions him to guide professionals toward transformative practices.

Drawing from his acclaimed books such as “The Art of Creating a Magical Session” and “Potential not Pathology,” Dr. Leslie’s workshop promises to be an illuminating journey into the realm of Ericksonian Psychotherapy and creative counseling applications. Participants can expect to gain invaluable insights into Strategic and Solution-Oriented Therapies, Ericksonian Hypnosis, and more.

Join us as we embark on this enriching experience with Dr. Paul J. Leslie, and discover innovative strategies to unlock the full potential of your therapeutic practice. Visit his website, drpaulleslie.com, to learn more and reserve your spot today.



Sunday 28 July 2024


10am – 12.30pm (AEST)

Reserve Your Spot