Meet Our Coaches and Mentors

Want help establishing your practice? Not sure exactly what to do?
You can access a Coach or Mentor to assist you in this challenging period and get you up and running. While ISPA cannot endorse or recommend any individual, we encourage you to contact at least three potential Coaches or Mentors here and see where there might be a fit. We want you to thrive.

Lauren Heaydon ISPA Membership

Lauren Heaydon

Business Mentor and ISPA Board Member

Lauren offers coaching and mentoring to parents and their young people. She understands the challenges of being a full-time working Mum while also providing emotional support and encouragement to her children and partner, and all while staying sane and looking after her own mental and physical health. As a coach and mentor Lauren is committed to helping her parents achieve success with their adolescent children and young adults. She listens carefully to both her parents and young people and provides a strategic and processed approach to build her client’s skills and help them achieve their goals. Lauren is skilled at pin-pointing a problem and then creating and executing series of processes for her clients to achieve an outcome.

Lauren is the Owner and Founder of Mentor You, Educate Your Child and Lauren Heaydon Coaching. Her brands provide a whole suite of coaching services to parents and their children and young people. Lauren studied a Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy and Masters of NLP and Strategic Coaching from the Institute of Applied Psychology. She is also a qualified and registered teacher. She knows and understands families and the chaos and love of how they operate.

Her qualifications and experience also include:

Working towards a Diploma of Counselling – Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors
Childbirth Educator at Hypnobirthing Australia
Bachelor of Education – University of Sydney
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment – Plenty Training
Certificate Three and Four in Fitness – Fitness Network Australia
Pilates mat work and reformer instructor – Studio Pilates
Experience providing coaching and therapy to corporate workplaces and educational settings.
Experience teaching, tutoring, and mentoring children and young people with disabilities.
Including supporting students in mainstream school and NDIS participants. This also includes supporting their families.
Coaching and Mentoring therapists and coaches to set up and operate their own successful and thriving clinic.
Coaching and Mentoring therapists and coaches to navigate and operate in the NDIS space.
Wife, Stepmother and Mother

Jonathan Smith ISPA Acting President

Jonathan Smith

Business Mentor and ISPA Board Member

Jonathan offers coaching and mentoring for business owners, executives and managers. He understands the mental and organisational challenges of running a business and provides techniques and strategies to enable people to navigate their way to their success. As a mentor, Jonathan is committed to building meaningful relationships with his clients and takes a hands-on approach to mentoring. He listens carefully to his clients goals and concerns and provides constructive feedback and guidance that is both practical and actionable. He is skilled at helping clients identify and overcome obstacles and works tirelessly to ensure that his clients are equipped with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.

Jonathan is currently the principal at New Day Strategic Therapy, after completing a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy as well as becoming a certified NLP practitioner through the Institute of Applied Psychology. He has a genuine, individual based approach with each client and is highly skilled at identifying and correcting limiting behaviours. He is committed to working towards productive outcomes for his clients.

Jonathan previously has twenty-five years of local and international business and entrepreneurial experience in the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry, during which time he became known for a highly successful, people focussed management style and is recognised as an expert in building and maintaining exceptional company culture that maintains integrity across multiple geographies. This was achieved through a highly focussed and individual based mentoring and upskilling process offered to staff at all levels, an approach he maintains with his coaching and mentoring clients today.

During his time in the BPO industry, Jonathan was a pioneer in the outsourcing drive to the Philippines which currently employs over 1.5 million people. He spent eighteen years based in Manila and became labelled by the media as the “godfather of Australian outsourcing”, featuring as the key note speaker at the Asia CEO awards. During this time, he established, grew and then sold multiple companies dealing with clients from Australia, New Zealand, the UK and US and employed over fifteen thousand people along the way.

His most recent role before launching New Day Strategic Therapy was as a shareholder and board member of Synchrony Global, an HRIS provider with offices in Australia, The Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. He was key in the sale of the company to Rizing HCM.
He looks to use his vast business experience combined with his passion for strategic psychotherapy to help you perform at your best.

Kerry Bailey Institute of Applied Psychology

Kerry Bailey

Business Mentor and ISPA Co-Secretary

Kerry Bailey- Coach, Trainer & Mentor - SydneyHypno & the Functional Mind Coaching Clinic M: 0412-412-881 or Ph: (02) 9100 0242

I am here to help you when you choose to engage an experienced Coach &/or Mentor.
 Your goals and helping you to skill up and get outcomes is my focus. Imagine, discovering your goals and reaching your goals faster!

Take advantage of my decades of providing skilled and targeted coaching and mentoring for business owners, executives and managers. I can provide valid support and guidance to you whether you are brand new to those roles or honing skills and wanting to reach new goals.
Let me be your “go to”, your certified, qualified, actively working and achieving success coach, mentor and trainer and sometimes your therapist if you want this. You will have access to the benefit of decades of my successful people, systems and business management processes, where it has been my daily role and focus to support, skill up and build up the people I work with, coaching and mentoring, to create great outcomes.
For you, becoming a successful business owner, might mean it is time to pivot and create an entrepreneurial and growth mindset. When you are starting your own business, it is vital change any PAYG mentality you may have, knowing that now you are not filling a job role, you are creating a business – for many a very new type of income generation, where if you haven’t done this before, you may feel quite daunted and perhaps overwhelmed, not knowing what to do, or when to do it.

However, it can be different, know with more clarity, what to do, how to do it, and when to do things that matter. Most successful people, in business, sports and life, make a powerful and life changing decision to engage their coach and mentors early to help - so that they do not get to a point of overwhelm – engaging earlier in a coaching relationship means you are not alone, and means your ability to have success becomes much smoother and easier and faster too. Not knowing what to do, the steps to take, can make you struggle – and no-one needs to struggle. You deserve to be free from struggle – right?

The “how” to move forward, to create success in your business, work and all sectors of your life, is worth investment. The sooner you take the step to stop the struggle the faster you will get to your goals. So, talk to me, I can help you.

Stop struggling.

 I have the runs on the board as a coach and mentor and as a business owner myself. I have many years of creating successful businesses for others – for over 35 years now, plus started several of my own businesses, all started from scratch, knowing what to do and when – has allowed me to set these up and have them running well for over 14 years, and 7 years respectively.

 What I offer to you and those who allow me to work with them, is the ability to start thinking and being more entrepreneurial, changing behaviours and mindsets and processes that otherwise keep new business owners stuck.

 Having a coach who can help you to understand what to do, how to do it and support and encourage appropriate business establishing methodologies is often the difference between those who continue to struggle and wondering what to do, and those who embrace a better more successful way to move forward and get results. Coaching helps you to get better direction and complete your goaled actions – so you move forward with more confidence – based on the evidence and improvements..

Cheryl Duffy

ISPA Coach

As the founder of The Divorce Tango Pty Ltd – The Divorce Centre, Divorce Coach, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner & Parenting Coordinator, I help families to be empowered to have the courage and the confidence to get through the challenges of separation and divorce. I help clients pre-separation to prepare an exit strategy and collate information to identify options for win/win solutions to negotiate their family's future.
I also coach clients post-separation who may feel overwhelmed, fearful or uncertain about the future for themselves and their children. I help separated parents minimise conflict, shift communication from blame to problem-solving and be good role models for their children.
Keeping families out of court providing an amicable pathway instead of an adversarial pathway providing emotional support and coaching to be their best selves to help their children adjust and transition to the new family structure.
As a National Divorce Centre, many separated families obtain the support and coaching to be empowered through traumatic family separation and divorce.
Amanda Dounis ISPA Advisory Board Member - Building Practice

Amanda Dounis

ISPA Advisory Board - Mentoring Coach

Amanda Dounis has founded, operates and owns early learning centres and her professional private practice Positive Thinking Clinic, catering for all ages.

She is author and course creator, also enjoying offering expertise in speaker events. Whilst most of Amanda’s clients are adults, she has drawn in a world of child and teenage culture due to her involvement in the early childhood industry since 1999. Besides being a successful business owner, helping create change in adults, she has also a wonderful reputation of skill working with youth.

Amanda’s private practice is extremely successful and thus enjoys mentoring new graduates looking to succeed in their private practice. Amanda is also a clinical supervisor.

Amanda is equipped with a Bachelor of Science with a Major in Psychology, Bachelor or Counselling, Bachelor of Teaching, Diploma of Strategic Psychotherapy and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Master NLP and streams of Life Coaching. She has added many skill sets via further studies of development equipping her with a variety of modalities.

Amanda can be reached via her website or email

Amanda understands you may reach out for a number of reasons. There are no silly questions. All curiosity is welcome. Creativity will lead the way. She is here to help you along your journey.